Zulaikha almost 6 years ago

Guys, I’m curious what do you guys think of medical assistance to die? Would you feel comfortable doing it and why?

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almost 6 years ago

Very difficult ethical question. Age, prognosis, worldview of patient, will of patient are all important and different for all patients.

almost 6 years ago

Indeed. What conditions would make you agree to this?

almost 6 years ago

I don't think it is a difficult decision at all. If it's done on a case to case basis. The guidelines would not be able to use age as a criteria. You could have 2 people with metastatic cancer suffering in pain. One is 35 yr and one is 75 yr. If you use age as a criteria then the 35 yr old would probably be left to suffer until the end. No matter what you're going to have those who agree and those who don't.

almost 6 years ago is legal in Canada! I watched my aunt suffer needlessly last month....she met the criteria for assisted dying but the hospital made a mess of the paperwork process. She had ovarian cancer with mets to: colon, omentum, lung and lymphnodes....she needlessly suffered with uncontrollable pain. I respect everyone's opinion but it is horrible to watch someone suffer needlessly🙁

almost 6 years ago

Ahah I live in Canada too and in one of my internship there was a Dr that refused to do this despite the patient’s horrible state. The patient was basically just living because he wasn’t dead yet, meaning that he could barely do anything and was just suffering while he was waiting for his state to kill him.

almost 6 years ago

I'm sorry about the loss of your aunt. And I agree whole heartedly about medical assisted death. I've been a nurse over 30 years and I've seen too many people suffering at the end of their lives. No being should have to suffer needlessly. We euthanize our animals when they are suffering but we let humans suffer and suffer.

almost 6 years ago

Absolutely too! When patients are at a place of extreme discomfort and no chance for recovery, it is the only humane thing to do. My beloved Granny was almost 101 years old and in a lot of pain at the end. Her doctor refused to treat her pain because he didn't want to suppress her respirations. I was furious. She died the next day. It was far worse to watch her suffer.

almost 6 years ago

Sometimes Docs and the other health professionals pray for their patient’s die... Unfortunately sometimes we neither release end stage patient’s pain nor to treat them..

almost 6 years ago

I could imagine and old patient could decide not to take an other chemo and a younger patient to do take another chemo. That's what I meant with age in relation to patient own will. Or parties decision to die naturally because of the patients own worldview/religion.

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