Aaiysha Siddiqa
Aaiysha Siddiqa over 5 years ago
International Vitamin C Day

International Vitamin C Day

Vitamin C. We all hear about it, how good it is for us, how it will help us fight off that cold. But how much do we really know about this mystery substance, and just how much can it do to help our bodies? Take advantage of Vitamin C day to learn something new and boost your health, to boot!As a substance occurring naturally in countless different fruits and vegetables, vitamin C has likely been around as long as the earth itself. P It was not until the late 19th century that scurvy was described in detail by British physician Sir Thomas Barlow, that people began to understand just how much this substance can do for our health. However, scurvy was known for thousands of years prior, with even the great Hippocrates himself writing about it. In the 18th century, it is assumed that the disease killed more British sailors than any enemies they had and was one of the greatest factors limiting maritime travel over the ages. Today, very few people suffer from scurvy and Vitamin C is considered on of the most important nutrients food can and should provide. The best way to celebrate Vitamin C Day is to stay healthy, and this very vitamin can help you with that! Vitamin C is necessary for good health and general well-being, but the unfortunate truth is that not everyone has the time to pay close attention to what they eat and just how many grams or milligrams of a certain substance they consume daily. The drastic rise in popularity of microwavable dishes has caused people’s diets to become much less healthy over the recent years, as has the fact that many people are working longer hours than ever and don’t have the time or the energy to cook themselves and their families a well-balanced meal every day. Luckily, there are a few ways to make sure you’re getting enough Vitamin C, no matter your lifestyle. One is to simply squeeze lemon juice into the water you drink. Half a lemon contains almost 100% of your daily vitamin C requirement, so just a squeeze here and there will be more than enough! But it doesn’t stop there—as it tuns out, you can put lemon juice into pretty much everything for your daily dose of Vitamin C as well as a deliciously tangy zing. As opposed to some other “healthy” foods which, let’s face it, can be downright nasty, lemon juice makes almost everything you put it on and in taste better. Salad dressings. Grilled meats. The list goes on. And if for whatever reason you’re not a fan of lemons, don’t worry! Many fruits and vegetables contain enough Vitamin C to keep you healthy, including tomatoes, strawberries, spinach, peppers, and many more. Take advantage of Vitamin C Day to do your body a favor!

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