Medicaltalks about 5 years ago
A donated liver about to be transplanted!
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A donated liver about to be transplanted!

This is a viable treatment for end-stage liver disease and acute liver failure that leads to irreversible scarring, i.e cirrhosis of the liver and complete loss of normal liver functions such as detoxification of drugs and productions of viable proteins and clotting factors. A transplant will be rejected by the recipient unless immunosuppressants are used, which blocks the body's ability to produce an immune reaction at the time of transplantation. The liver has a high regenerative ability, as little as 1/4 of the original liver mass can regenerate back to its full size; that makes a partial hepatectomy surgery a viable treatment in many cases.

Top rated comment
almost 5 years ago

Is it for the patient with hepatitis-C related liver cirrhosis? That you posted above

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