Bhavesh Gahlot
Bhavesh Gahlotalmost 6 years ago
Renal mnemonics

Renal mnemonics

Mnemonics for Renal System  Renal System- Mnemonics Diseases and conditions   Detection of acute renal failure (ARF)   Mnemonic: ACUte   A         Acute presentation over hours or days   C         Creatinine rises   U         Urea rises (±oliguria <400 ml/24 h)   Causes acute renal failure (ARF)   Mnemonic: ACUte   A         ATN/Acute GN   C         Circulatory dysfunction (i.e. shock – hypovolaemia, sepsis, cardiogenic)   U         Urinary outflow obstruction   Clinical presentation of chronic renal failure   Mnemonic: RESIN & 8 Pʼs   R         Retinopathy   E         Excoriations (scratch marks)   S         Skin is yellow   I           Increased blood pressure   N         Nails are brown   P         Pallor   P         Purpura and bruises   P         Pericarditis and cardiomegaly   P         Pleural effusions   P         Pulmonary oedema   P         Peripheral oedema   P         Proximal myopathy   P         Peripheral neuropathy  Complicated urinary tract infections (UTIs)   Mnemonic: MARIO   M         Male patients   A         Abnormal renal tract   R         Renal function is impaired   I           Impaired host defences   O         Organism that is virulent   Risk factors for UTIs   Mnemonic: UTIs   U         Urinary tract obstruction or malformation   T         The menopause   I           Intercourse (sexual)/Instrumentation/Immunosuppression   S         female Sex/Stones   Dialysis   Indications for   Mnemonic: AEIOU   A         Acid–base problems (severe acidosis or alkalosis)   E         Electrolyte problems (hyperkalaemia)   I           Intoxications   O         Overload, fluid   U         Uraemic symptoms   Or   Mnemonic: SHARPE   S         Severity of condition increases   H         Hyperkalaemia persistent (K+ >7 mmol/l)   A         Acidosis is metabolic and worsening (pH <7.2 or base excess <–10)   R         Refractory pulmonary oedema   P         Pericarditis (uraemic)   E         Encephalopathy (uraemic)   Complications of dialysis   Mnemonic: CHAIR   C         Cardiovascular disease   H         Hypertension   A         Anaemia   I           Infections   R         Renal bone disease   Urinary tract malignancies   Features of renal cell carcinoma (RCC)   Mnemonic: RCC   R         Renal tubule (proximal) epithelium is involved   C         Renal Cancers are 90% RCC   C         Clinical features include haematuria, loin pain, abdominal mass, anorexia,  malaise and weight loss

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