Arjunover 5 years ago
Red patches on scalp

Red patches on scalp

24 y/o male with no other medical problems, history of intense itching since past 2years with patches of dandruff. Pt often feels numbness in all limbs for a brief period. Pt has no addictions. Help would be appreciated

Top rated comment
over 5 years ago

Looks kind of like ringworm.

over 5 years ago

What is the Rx u would recommend?

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over 5 years ago

Go see a GP or dermatologist, you gave the diagnosis in the hashtags. I just don’t understand the relationship with the numbness.... can you elaborate?

about 1 year ago

I have experienced similar, numbness I believe is due to lesion and where they run along the surface.

over 5 years ago

Tinea capitis

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