Eminnover 1 year ago
This is a 29-year-old previously healthy woman with pyoderma gangrenosum immediately after thyroidectomy.
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This is a 29-year-old previously healthy woman with pyoderma gangrenosum immediately after thyroidectomy.

This is a 29-year-old previously healthy woman with pyoderma gangrenosum immediately after thyroidectomy.The lesion arised on her collar, upper sternal and upper right thoracal area on the lower side of her cervical incision side.The clinical and histopathologic findings were consistent withPG Colonoscopy were negative for Crohn's disease ulcerative colitis.Dissemination of the ulcer did not respond to topical therapies but responded well to oral prednisone (80 mg/d) and oral cyclosporin (4 mg/kg per day) and was eventually repaired by skin grafting.During the 2 months, the prednisone dose had been gradually reduced to 10 mg/d and cyclosporin A (1 mg/kg per day), thereby decreasing the risk of nephrotoxicity, hypertension, hepatotoxicity and other side effects of the drug.By the16th-week visit, cyclosporin was discontinued.Treatment of PG has focused on the identification and control of the underlying systemic disease and immunosuppression and treatment of secondary infection.The ideal mode of therapy for PG varies according to the type and severity of the disease presentation.The course of the disease is unpredictable and the response to therapy variable from patient to patient.For patients with ulcers that are rapidly progressive, prompt control of the process is essential to provide pain relief, avoid secondary bacterial infections, and minimize the degree of scarring.Because of cyclosporine's proven efficacy and rapid response, many have advocated its use earlier in the course of the disease as first-line theraphy

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