Medicogramover 5 years ago
Ocular albinism

Ocular albinism

lt is a genetic condition that primarily affects the eyes. This condition reduces the pigmentation of the iris, which is the colored part of the eye, and the retina, which is the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye. Pigmentation in the eye is essential for normal vision. Ocular albinism is characterized by severely impaired sharpness of vision (visual acuity) and problems with combining vision from both eyes to perceive depth (stereoscopic vision). Although the vision loss is permanent, it does not worsen over time. Being a genetic disorder this is untreatable unfortunately ! 📷•Medicogram•

Top rated comment
over 5 years ago

Ohhh dear...... The vision loss part sucks but i must say those eyes look stunning.

over 5 years ago

His eyes are so gorgeous

over 5 years ago

Agreed. Those two look gorgeous

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