Hanin Kaa
Hanin Kaaabout 6 years ago
What is the difference between blood agar and chocolate agar despite  that they are contains the same composes ???

What is the difference between blood agar and chocolate agar despite that they are contains the same composes ???

Top rated comment
about 6 years ago

When 5% sheep blood is added to nutrient agar and heated at 50°c ,blood agar is obtained. When 5% sheep blood is added to nutrient agar and heated at 70°c ,we get chocolate agar. Basically chocolate agar is lysed blood agar.

about 6 years ago


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about 6 years ago

Yes ,contents of both blood agar and chocolate agar is same but the heating temperature is varying.

about 6 years ago

In chocolate agar RBCs will be lysed and the content of RBCs will be released changing the colour of the medium to brown

about 6 years ago


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