Zunaira saleh
Zunaira saleh2 days ago
Lip switch procedure

Lip switch procedure

Transpositional flap vestibuloplasty (i.e., lip switch). (A) Incision is made in the labial mucosa, and a thin mucosal flap is dissected from underlying tissue. Supraperiosteal dissection is also performed on the anterior aspect of the mandible. (B) The flap of the labial mucosa is sutured to the depth of the vestibule. Exposed labial tissue heals by secondary intention. (C) Modification of technique by incising periosteum at crest of alveolar ridge and suturing free periosteal edge to denuded area of labial mucosa. (D) The mucosal flap is then sutured over denuded bone to the periosteal junction at the depth of the vestibule. (E) Preoperative photograph. (F) Result of surgery 6 months later.

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