Zunaira saleh
Zunaira salehabout 9 hours ago
Intraseptal alveoloplasty

Intraseptal alveoloplasty

Intraseptal alveoloplasty. (A) Oblique view of the alveolar ridge, demonstrating a slight facial undercut. (B) Minimal elevation of the mucoperiosteal flap followed by removal of intraseptal bone using a fissure burr and handpiece. (C) Rongeur used to remove intraseptal bone. (D) Digital pressure used to fracture the labiocortex in a palatal direction. (E) Cross-sectional view of alveolar process. (F) Crosssectional view of alveolar process after tooth removal and intraseptal alveoloplasty. By fracturing the labiocortex of the alveolar process in a palatal direction, labial undercut can be eliminated without reducing vertical height of the alveolar ridge.

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