Zunaira saleh
Zunaira salehabout 6 hours ago
Suture knot

Suture knot

Most intraoral sutures are tied with an instrument tie. (A) The suture is pulled through tissue until the short tail of the suture (approximately 1 to 2 cm long) remains. The needle holder is held horizontally by the right hand in preparation for the knot-tying procedure. (B) The left hand then wraps the long end of the suture around the needle holder twice in the clockwise direction to make two loops of suture around the needle holder. (C) The surgeon then opens the needle holder and grasps the short end of the suture very near its end. (D) The ends of the suture are then pulled to tighten the knot. The needle holder should not pull the suture it is holding at all until the knot is nearly tied to avoid lengthening that portion of the suture. Most intraoral sutures are tied with an instrument tie.

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