WAFIULLAH RAUF about 1 month ago
Huge Abdominal Cystic Lesion

Huge Abdominal Cystic Lesion

Case Presentation: A 38-year-old female presented with chronic abdominal pain persisting for three years. The pain was diffuse, non-radiating, and had gradually increased in intensity over time. There were no associated symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, weight loss, or changes in bowel habits. On physical examination, her abdomen was mildly distended but non-tender, with no palpable mass or signs of peritonitis. Routine laboratory investigations, including complete blood count, liver function tests, and renal function tests, were within normal limits. Contrast-enhanced CT scan revealed a large, thin-walled cystic mass occupying the left side of the abdomen. The mass had displaced the pancreas superiorly, the spleen anteriorly, and the left kidney inferiorly toward the mid-lower abdomen. No evidence of solid components, calcifications, or septations was noted. Given the significant mass effect, the surgical team decided to proceed with an exploratory laparotomy. A midline incision was made, and upon opening the abdomen, a large cystic lesion was identified. The cyst was carefully dissected and removed without complications. Postoperatively, the patient was closely monitored. At 24 hours, she remained hemodynamically stable with no signs of complications. Further histopathological evaluation of the cyst was planned to determine its exact nature. Surgery team :- Surgeon :- prof. Dr Fatih Muh Shoja Assistant:- Dr Malikzai Scrub nurse:- Abd Wakil noori Anesthesiologist:- Dr Muh Nassim

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