Zunaira saleh
Zunaira saleh30 days ago
Adhesion to dentin.

Adhesion to dentin.

A, Scanning electron micrograph of interface bonded with a dental adhesive (final magnification: ×4000). Note the visible thickness of the adhesive layer (A, arrowheads) beneath the resin composite (RC). The hybrid layer (H, arrowheads) is 2 μm thick. The tubular resin tags (T) show lateral branches (asterisks). B, Schematic showing that etching removes hydroxyapatite crystals within intertubular dentin and along peritubular dentin. Primer penetrates intertubular spaces and fluid-filled tubular spaces. Cured primer forms microtags within intertubular dentin and macrotags within tubules. (A, from Frankenberger R, Perdigão J, Rosa BT, et al: Dent. Mater. 1

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