Hunain11 months ago
Management of joint subluxation

Management of joint subluxation

After examining the injury, your healthcare provider will likely reset the joint into its proper position using manual manipulation. This may involve turning or pulling the limb.Once the joint is properly realigned and your healthcare provider has ruled out any complications, the treatment will be focused on reducing inflammation and pain. The standard approach, known by the acronym RICE, involves: Rest: You will be instructed to limit activity and avoid putting weight on the affected joint. To improve recovery and ensure stability, the healthcare provider may immobilize the joint with a splint, brace, or cast. Ice application: Icing an injury helps dilate blood vessels to reduce pain, inflammation, and swelling. Apply the ice pack for no more than 15 to 20 minutes several times a day, using a cloth barrier to prevent frostbite. Compression: Your healthcare provider may suggest an elastic bandage to control swelling, reduce blood flow, and provide structural support to the affected joint.

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