Hunain5 months ago
How is spider nevus diagnosed?

How is spider nevus diagnosed?

Your doctor will most likely be able to tell you if you have spider nevi simply by looking at the appearance of the skin in question. Sometimes a skin biopsy may need to be performed to confirm the diagnosis. What is more important, however, is diagnosing the underlying cause and ruling out certain conditions that may have produced the vessel clusters. You will be asked about hormone supplements and any other medications you are taking. Your doctor will also ask you about alcohol consumption because alcohol abuse can lead to liver disease. Spider nevi may be a sign of liver disease. If liver problems are suspected, your doctor may draw a sample of your blood to be tested. The liver is responsible for many important tasks, such as detoxifying the blood, helping to digest food, and producing proteins that help the blood to clot. Liver disease testing, also called a liver panel, involves taking blood samples to test for the enzymes and proteins produced and excreted by the liver. Increased or decreased levels of these substances, as well as the presence of certain types, can signal liver disease.

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