Hunain10 months ago
What are the symptoms of spider nevus?

What are the symptoms of spider nevus?

For most people with spider nevus, the only symptom is the appearance of the vessel cluster. There may be a red dot in the center of a cluster of thin vessels, but this is not always the case. The thin vessels form a web-like shape and are red, blue, or purple in color. When you apply pressure, they will disappear and then reappear because blood is flowing back into the vessels. Spider nevi can occur anywhere on the body, but are most common on the face, neck, and legs (sun-exposed areas). Some people may experience aching or burning in the area of the vessel cluster. This pain occurs most commonly when the vessels are in the legs, and after a long period of standing. Spider nevi are usually not cause for concern if you don’t have any other symptoms or health conditions.

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