Iqra5 months ago
Causes of esophageal varices

Causes of esophageal varices

Cirrhosis is severe scarring of the liver caused by a disease, such as hepatitis C. It is the most common underlying cause of esophageal varices. Among people with cirrhosis, 30%Trusted Source have varices when the liver issue is diagnosed. Within the first year after diagnosis, 5%Trusted Source of small varices and 15%Trusted Source of large varices bleed. Portal hypertension is a complication of cirrhosis. It happens when scar tissue blocks the flow of blood around the liver. This leads to high blood pressure in the portal vein, which carries blood from other organs to the liver. If blood flow around the liver is restricted, the body sends blood via veins in the stomach or esophagus instead. With more blood flowing through them, these veins can swell, becoming varices. Rarer causes of esophageal varices can include Budd-Chiari syndromeTrusted Source and schistosomiasis. Budd-Chiari syndrome causes veins in the liver to become partially blocked. Schistosomiasis is a disease caused by parasitic worms. These can get into the blood vessels, which may cause them to become varices.

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