drbilalzafar8 months ago
Tinea incognito

Tinea incognito

Tinea, also known as fungal infection is very common. It usually occurs in the flexors like arm pits, groin and in the neck. But it can occur at any site where the sweat stay long. Above is the picture of the patient who came last month with a simple tinea leison. I prescribed her anti fungals but instead of taking those, she went to some local GP who prescribed her topical steroid. Steroids are usually contraindicated in Tinea. And when anyone uses them on tinea, the condition occurs which is also known as tinea incognito. In simple tinea you will find a ring like lesion with central clearing but in tinea incognito, the central clearing is filled by scarring. The patient gave me the exact same history of applying topical corticosteroids on her lesion and this occured. So please always keep in mind that Steroids are not the therapy for every condition!

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