Hunain12 months ago
How to measure pulsus paradoxus

How to measure pulsus paradoxus

Using a manual blood pressure cuff, your healthcare provider will: Inflate the cuff until they don’t hear pulse sounds with a stethoscope or ultrasound wand. They can also use a pulse oximetry monitor to find pulse sounds. Deflate the cuff slowly (2 millimeters of mercury per second) and listen for a pulse. Check the pressure while you’re exhaling. Deflate the cuff a little more. Check the pressure again while you’re breathing in and out and your provider can hear your pulse. Figure out the difference between the two systolic (top) numbers from when you breathe in and breathe out. You could have pulsus paradoxus if the difference between the numbers is higher than 10 millimeters of mercury (mmHg). Note: Providers can use a catheter in your artery to check for pulsus paradoxus. They may use this invasive method in an intensive care setting.

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