Iqraabout 1 year ago
Typesof Dyspnea

Typesof Dyspnea

There are two types of dyspnea: acute and chronic. How often you experience shortness of breath, as well as how long you've experienced it over time, determines the type of dyspnea you have:2 Acute dyspnea: Lasts several hours to several days Chronic dyspnea: Lasts more than four to eight weeks Most people experience occasional dyspneic episodes. Factors like strenuous exercise, extreme temperatures, poor air quality, and high altitudes can cause temporary shortness of breath. These episodes usually resolve quickly. Sudden, severe, or unexplained shortness of breath requires immediate medical attention.3 If your shortness of breath persists for weeks, reach out to a healthcare provider for evaluation to determine the underlying cause.

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