Iqra11 months ago

Treatmen of Pityriasis Rosacea

While the rash itself doesn't need treatment and will go away on its own, usually within 6-8 weeks, you can go to your dermatologist for treatment or pityriasis rosea medication to soothe symptoms. They may suggest: Antihistamines. These allergy medicines can help ease itching and can come in the form of a cream or pill. Corticosteroids. This kind of cream is made to treat skin dryness, scaling, and itching. One type your doctor may suggest is triamcinolone ointment. Over-the-counter topical medications. Calamine lotion or zinc oxide may help you feel less itchy. Prednisone. This is a steroid medicine taken by mouth and can help with serious itching. Acyclovir. A type of antivirus medicine, acyclovir (Valtrex, Zovirax) may help the rash go away sooner in some people. UVB phototherapy. Also known as light treatments, this treatment exposes your skin to natural or artificial light to lessen symptoms. Keep in mind that light therapy can leave lasting dark spots on your skin, even after the rash clears.

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