Iqra7 months ago
Shoulder Separation (AC Separation)

Shoulder Separation (AC Separation)

Shoulder separation (AC separation) is a common injury that occurs when the collarbone separates from the upper part of the shoulder blade (acromion). The acromioclavicular joint (AC joint) is where the clavicle meets the highest point of the acromion. Shoulder separation typically occurs when the arm is forcefully twisted outward while above the shoulder, tearing the acromioclavicular and the coracoclavicular (CC) ligaments. These shoulder injuries often occur as a result of falling, a direct blow to the shoulder, or lifting heavy objects. AC separations are common in direct contact sports, such as football and hockey, but can occur in various situations at any age. A shoulder can become partially dislocated (subluxation) or completely dislocated, in which the ball of the arm comes completely out of the socket.

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