Hunainabout 1 year ago
Symptoms of Pemphigus

Symptoms of Pemphigus

The main symptom of pemphigus is blistering of the skin and in some cases, the mucosal surfaces, such as the inside of the mouth, nose, throat, eyes, and genitals. The blisters are fragile and tend to burst, causing crusty sores. Blisters on skin may join together, forming raw-looking areas that are prone to infection and that ooze large amounts of fluid. The symptoms vary somewhat depending on the type of pemphigus. Pemphigus vulgaris blisters often start in the mouth, but later on, they can develop on the skin. The skin may become so fragile that it peels off by rubbing a finger on it. Mucosal surfaces such as those of the nose, throat, eyes, and genitals may also be affected. Blisters form within the deep layer of the epidermis, and they are often painful. Pemphigus foliaceus only affects the skin. Blisters often appear first on the face, scalp, chest, or upper back, but they may eventually spread to other areas of skin on the body. The affected areas of skin may become inflamed and peel off in layers or scales. The blisters form in the upper layers of the epidermis, and they may be itchy or painful.

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