Iqraover 1 year ago
How is gastroschisis treated?

How is gastroschisis treated?

Although a gastroschisis diagnosis can happen during pregnancy, treatment can’t start until after your baby is born. Surgery is necessary to place your baby’s organs back inside their body. Surgery also repairs the hole near their belly button to prevent their organs from returning back outside of their body. Depending on the severity of the condition and how many organs are outside of your baby’s body, there are two types of surgery to relocate your baby’s organs and repair their abdominal wall: Primary repair: If possible, your baby will receive surgery immediately after they are born to move the organs back into their body and repair the hole in their abdomen. Staged repair: If the gastroschisis is more complicated, your baby’s surgeon will perform surgery slowly in stages. A staged repair could be most effective if your baby isn’t healthy enough for surgery, or if their abdomen isn’t big enough to hold all of their organs. From the time your baby is born to the time of their surgery to repair gastroschisis, your baby’s surgeon will place their exposed organs in a plastic pouch called a silo to prevent infection, dehydration and damage. After the initial surgery to replace your baby’s organs, additional surgery to repair your baby’s abdomen muscles or intestines may be necessary.

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