Yazanover 1 year ago

Why do the primative reflexes disappear in adults? I know that axons become myelenated as the kid ages, but still don't know what this means in terms of neurophysiology. #Neurology #Pediatrics #neurophysiology #

Top rated comment
about 1 year ago

Mylinasion mean more rapid nerve conduction more integrity .. i.e mor controll of higher CNS levels over local axone nerve responsible on reflexes NB The higher cns center brain . Extrapyramedial motor neuron brain stem there function is inhibitory to local reflxes preventing hyperreflexia or appearance of primitive reflxes of early childhood Era

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about 1 year ago

Mylinasion mean more rapid nerve conduction more integrity .. i.e mor controll of higher CNS levels over local axone nerve responsible on reflexes NB The higher cns center brain . Extrapyramedial motor neuron brain stem there function is inhibitory to local reflxes preventing hyperreflexia or appearance of primitive reflxes of early childhood Era

about 1 year ago

Mylinasion mean more rapid nerve conduction more integrity .. i.e mor controll of higher CNS levels over local axone nerve responsible on reflexes NB The higher cns center brain . Extrapyramedial motor neuron brain stem there function is inhibitory to local reflxes preventing hyperreflexia or appearance of primitive reflxes of early childhood Era

about 1 year ago

Mylinasion mean more rapid nerve conduction more integrity .. i.e mor controll of higher CNS levels over local axone nerve responsible on reflexes NB The higher cns center brain . Extrapyramedial motor neuron brain stem there function is inhibitory to local reflxes preventing hyperreflexia or appearance of primitive reflxes of early childhood Era

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