Sheeza Basharat
Sheeza Basharat12 months ago
Liver Cirrhosis - Case Study

Liver Cirrhosis - Case Study

This is the liver of an apparently perfectly healthy man. His liver function test (blood test) - perfectly fine. His only symptom was "gas trouble for three months" for which he was showing multiple local physicians, all of whom prescribed him antacids and were happy with perfect blood tests done on multiple occasions from different labs. A routine ultrasound by a Gastroenterologist showed a misshapen liver and a big nodule. He was referred to us. We diagnosed cirrhosis with large liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma), fortunately in early stages for which liver transplant is curative. He is now doing well. His risk factors? Poorly controlled diabetes, sedentary life, no physical activity and overweight. And cirrhosis and liver cancer in his father's eldest brother. Patient is a teetotaler. Please know that sugar is the new alcohol. If you have diabetes, high blood pressure, low functioning thyroid, are overweight or obese, have very poor physical activity, high lipids or heart disease, have high calorie intake specifically through processed and ultra-processed foods - then you are at risk for fatty liver and progressive fatty liver disease that can lead to cirrhosis and its dreadful complications. Be aware, visit your doctor and check your liver functions and perform a routine ultrasound if you have uncontrolled risk factors for liver disease. If you have risk factors, then the doctor will order further tests to assess "liver health" to check for the risk for/ or presence of chronic liver disease. Liver cancers can arise in cirrhosis even in the background of a normal liver test. Early stages of cirrhosis can have normal liver tests. A normal blood test of liver function is not a guarantee for a healthy liver. People who consume alcohol and check their liver functions on blood tests weekly or monthly, to reinforce everything is OK with a normal liver test maybe grossly misled. By:

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