Vijay Kumar
Vijay Kumarover 1 year ago
Erythema Infectiosum

Erythema Infectiosum

Erythema infectiosum is a common viral exanthem illness found in children. It is also known as “fifth disease” as it is 1 of the 6 most common viral rash illnesses found in children. This febrile illness typically affects children 5 to 15 years old. The viral illness can also affect adults, however less commonly. The cause of fifth disease is the human parvovirus -B19. This same virus is also associated with other disorders including aplastic anemia, polyarthropathy, and hydrops fetalis. The infection has 3 classic skin phases. Route of transmission is primarily via droplets from respiratory secretions and can spread via blood exposure. This is a common illness found in the spring months and early summer months. Symptom control and supportive management are the basis for the treatment of erythema infectiosum, but complications such as aplastic crisis or hydrops fetalis during pregnancy must be considered.

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