Medicaltalks over 5 years ago
Donor heart prior to transplantation
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Donor heart prior to transplantation

Here’s a surgeon holding a donor heart prior to transplantation! Today we’re making a promise to our hearts. We are only as strong as our hearts. Take good care of your heart because you only have one. The burden of cardiovascular disease can be reduced and many are completely preventable by making comprehensive lifestyle changes... without drugs or surgery. Make a commitment to keep your heart healthy this #WorldHeartDay by eating a balanced diet, saying no to smoking, and enjoying a healthy, active lifestyle with regular physical activity. This pumping organ is not a place to dump all the clutter you eat. But YOU must first make your promise to look after your own heart.

Top rated comment
over 5 years ago

It can’t be a donor heart

over 5 years ago


over 5 years ago

Why is that ???

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over 5 years ago


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