Sheeza Basharat
Sheeza Basharatover 1 year ago
Spoon in Esophagus

Spoon in Esophagus

A man had a steel spoon stuck in his esophagus for an entire year! He swallowed the spoon because he was dared to do so. The steel spoon was lodged in his esophagus for a year. Surprisingly, the half-swallowed spoon wasnot causing much discomfort to this man. The spoon got stuck in his esophagus promptly. In addition, even after several months passed, this man did not think the irritation was serious enough to seek medical help. However, all of that changed a year later. A week before reporting to the hospital, the man started experiencing a difficulty breathing after he was punched in the chest and started having chest pain. Doctors performed the procedure and two hours later a spoon which measured around 8 inches was finally removed from the patient’s esophagus. .

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