Livingston Samuel
Livingston Samuelalmost 6 years ago

I had a case yesterday and the client came with giddiness and his blood pressure was 159/110mmHg and his pulse rate is 133 beats per minute and he was normal and he said he was feeling uneasy and his pulse rate was increasing and he looks normal can anyone tell what's the condition is about?

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almost 6 years ago

Hyperthyreoidismus, pheochromocitoma.. 🤷🏽‍♂️

almost 6 years ago

Thank u

almost 6 years ago

You only done the vitals. appropriate history is needed and physical exam as well

almost 6 years ago

But if it was all normal than this could be white coat hypertension

almost 6 years ago

Go for hyperthyroidism. T3, T4, TSH tests. If TSH is low and T3 T4 Are increased then hyperthyroidism.

almost 6 years ago

Hypertansion complications

almost 6 years ago

Anxiety may can also be a cause for uneasiness plus tachycardia

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