MD Desaraover 1 year ago

Otosclerosis OTOSCLEROSIS Otosclerosis is a condition caused by abnormal bone growth in the middle ear. This often leads to hearing loss. Some people may also develop dizziness, balance problems or ringing in the ears. Otosclerosis treatments include hearing aids and surgery. Etiopathogenetic 1) Early stage: bone resorption and increased vascularization. Schwartz's sign under the microscope. 2) Late phase: resorbed bone is replaced by dense sclerotic bone = > osteosclerosis. Causes 1) Genetic factors 2) Local infections 3) Disorders of hormones and bone metabolism. Clinically: Balance problems ,Vertigo. Ringing in your ears (tinnitus), Dizziness. Diagnosis Normal tympanic membrane. In otoscopy Schwartz's sign indicates increased vascularization of the promontory in the active phase of otospongiosis. Tuning tests indicate transmitter-type hearing loss. Rinese test positive. Tone audiometry shows the gap between air and bone conduction. CT of the temporal bone. Differential diagnosis: Tympanosclerosis, middle ear effusions, osteitis deformans in Paget's disease. treatment 1) Surgery - Stapedectomy. - Stapedotomy. 2) Use of acoustic prostheses.

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