Andy Wells
Andy Wellsover 1 year ago
Male patient addicted to the drug “krokodil” with necrotic lesion on both forearms!

Male patient addicted to the drug “krokodil” with necrotic lesion on both forearms!

Krokodil is the worst drug in the world. Worse than cocaine, worse than heroin, worse than meth. It even makes crack look appealing, and that's insane. Krokodil drug (desomorphine) origins are amongst Russia's poorest communities where it arose as a cheap alternative to heroin. The substance can be concocted by crushing codeine tablets, which are widely available, and mixing them with substances like petrol, red phosphorous and hydrochloric acid. Sound dangerous? From the point an addict first takes krokodil, their life expectancy is a little over two years. While the high might be good, the side effects are anything but. The drug literally rots human from the inside out, and it isn't uncommon to see large expanses of exposed bone and muscle. It is responsible for the production of very serious tissue damage, phlebitis and gangrene, often requiring amputation, osteomyelitis in the jaw and face, sores and ulcers in the forehead and skull, as well as necrosis in ears, nose and lips and hepatic and renal problems. Soft tissue damage occurs mainly around the injected areas and is caused by the accumulation of the drug. The mixture also seems to accumulate in the veins, as it can not completely dissolve in the blood. These accumulations necrotize the tissues and make their way to distant places in the body, widening the damage caused. The degree of damage to tissues is so high that the life expectancy of addicts to this mixture is usually as low as 2-3 years. Source: IG medicalpedia

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