Jay Usdadiya about 1 year ago


We were in the male medicine ward and a patient was admitted for the vage respiratory & abdominal symptoms, We had done all the required investigation but we weren't sure of diagnosis But on usg adb&pelvis there was ascites, Pt does not have the h/o alcohol or any other conditions which lead to ascites Then we decided to do the abdominal tap, we prepared the patient, marked the site via usg for tapping Then on tapping we found that it has cobweb in the ascitic fluid As you can see in the above photo As we know that ascitic fluid is clear and straw in colour as it is protein rich Then we decided to culture the fluid and also send it for afb staining Also send the patient for ct abdominal and pelvis On the next day we found out that it is positive for afb staining Then we started the patient on AKT for 6 months Also send the reports if they are resistant to any first line or not So At last i was so amazed that the patient was admitted for other thing and we found out other things In this vast field we have to be flexible,open to alterations, experienced,informative,ask for help when ever needed ( we had taken the help of the respi department),learn from the case I found this case very intriguing so i am sharing it Thank you for your time !!

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