Pressure Ulcers stage IV

Pressure Ulcers stage IV

Pressure ulcers are skin or soft tissue injuries that form due to prolonged pressure exerted over specific areas of the body. Stage I: The skin is intact with the presence of non-blanchable erythema. Stage II: There is partial-thickness skin loss involving the epidermis and dermis. Stage III: There is a full-thickness loss of skin that extends to the subcutaneous tissue but does not cross the fascia beneath it. The lesion may be foul-smelling. Stage IV: There is full-thickness skin loss extending through the fascia with considerable tissue loss. There might be possible involvement of the muscle, bone, tendon, or joint.

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almost 2 years ago

How did that happen?

Patient with a history of motorcycle-car accident in 2005 with pelvic and hip trauma, secondary to the impact the patient suffered a complex spinal cord injury. Since he's not able to walk or move, he suffered this condition.

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