MEDizzy Videosover 7 years ago
Surgical anatomy of pancreas and spleen-MCQ

Surgical anatomy of pancreas and spleen-MCQ

This video contains many MCQs related to the surgical anatomy of the spleen and pancreas. Watch this detailed video to know how questions can come in your surgery exam. 5:20 MCQ 6:30 Pancreas vascularity 10:30 MCQ 18:06 Pancreas divisum 28:30 MCQ 30:00 SO Complex 35:40 MCQ 37:42 Whipple's procedure 43:00 MCQ 47:30 Bismuth-Corlette 50:10 MCQ 53:20 Treatment for chronic pancreatitis 1:01:31 MCQ 1:07:56 Spleen anatomy 1:09:06 Ligaments 1:14:04 MCQ

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