MEDizzy Videosover 7 years ago
What is Asthma? - With basic knowledge of types of drugs used in Asthma.

What is Asthma? - With basic knowledge of types of drugs used in Asthma.

In this video, you will learn about Asthma thoroughly. The video explains all conditions in which Asthma can occur including the causes, symptoms, signs, types and medicines/drugs related to Asthma. In the end, you will also learn how to control asthma in everyday life. TIMELINE: 0:00 Introduction 0:10 What is Asthma? 0:17 When does Asthma happen? 0:47 Causes of Asthma 1:05 Symptoms of Asthma 1:30 How do lungs work? 1:44 How Asthma affect the lungs? 1:59 Severe Asthma 2:10 Signs of severe Asthma 2:48 Types of severe Asthma 3:16 What is an Asthma flare? 3:37 Medicines of Asthma 4:23 Controlling severe Asthma 4:44 Can severe Asthma go away on its own?

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