MEDizzy Videosabout 8 years ago
Pathology related to Mitochondrial myopathy

Pathology related to Mitochondrial myopathy

This video is a brief introduction to genetically acquired muscular disease Mitochondrial myopathy (MM). The video tells us about the introduction, related syndromes, clinical manifestation, symptoms and treatment. Mitochondrial myopathy is rare but is fatal. Mitochondrial myopathies are a group of neuromuscular diseases caused by damage to the mitochondria. TIMELINE: 0:04 Introduction 0:10 Definition 0:22 Keans-Sayre syndrome 0:31 MELAS syndrome 0:41 Clinical manifestation 0:57 Symptoms of MM 1:22 Treatment 1:35 Pronunciation of MM 1:55 End

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