MEDizzy Videosover 7 years ago
Skeletomuscular pathology- Atrophy.

Skeletomuscular pathology- Atrophy.

This video tells us about muscular and skeletal-related pathology with respect to humans. skeletal muscle atrophy is a change that occurs in muscles of adults as a result of the conditions of disuse (e.g., immobilization, denervation, muscle unloading), ageing, starvation, and a number of disease states. This video covers basic definitions, causes, pathophysiology, pathogenesis, and causative factors related to skeletomuscular disorders. TIMELINE: 0:04 Introduction 0:23 Causes of atrophy 0:39 Physiologic atrophy 0:58 Pathological atrophy 2:05 Aging 2:16 Pressure 2:23 End

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