MEDizzy Videosover 7 years ago
Lipoma vs Leiomyoma

Lipoma vs Leiomyoma

A very important video explaining all the important questions for OSCE regarding lipoma and leiomyoma; along with their pathogenesis, causes, locations and clinical features. Timeline: 0:00 Introduction 0:10 Lipoma 0:32 Epidemiology 0:52 Causes 1:22 Gross features 1:45 Microscopic features 2:14 Diagnostic points 2:35 Clinical features 2:55 Types of Lipoma 3:01 Leiomyoma of Uterus 3:35 Charachteristics 3:49 Causes 4:00 Other names 4:05 Locations 4:12 Gross features 4:52 Microscopic features 5:53 Symptoms 6:05 Important clinical features

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