MEDizzy Videosabout 8 years ago
Histology of Nose and Larynx

Histology of Nose and Larynx

This video provides a complete and comprehensive interpretation of the histological slides of nose and larynx. Zooming into the intricate details, it discusses the functional importance of each structural feature proficiently. On the slide from a virtual microscope, it presents the sagittal section of the larynx and interprets it effectively. Timeline: 00:15 introduction of nose histology 02:15 upper posterior parts of the nose 02:40 oral mucosa 03:33 nasal cavity 04:54 details of nasal epithelium 06:36 sinusoidal space 07:06 olfactory epithelium 11:03 sum-up 12:07 introduction of larynx histology 15:13 sagittal section of the larynx 16:19 laryngeal glands 17:11 epithelium of the lary

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