Sheeza Basharat
Sheeza Basharatabout 2 years ago
Green Urine: An Interesting Rare Case

Green Urine: An Interesting Rare Case

Changes in the color of the urine can be an indicator of an underlying pathologic and physiologic condition. The greenish color can be especially associated with familial benign hypercalcemia a rare genetic disorder. Medications such as amitriptyline, indomethacin, and propofol can also cause the greenish-blue color of urine. Methylene blue is a dye which is used by both biologists and chemists to see bacteria, which are otherwise not visible with the naked eye as they are colorless. Methylene blue is also used as a medication against cyanide poisoning, which leads to methemoglobinemia. About the Case: A 36-year-old male, a shopkeeper by occupation, was presented at Hospital, reporting green color urine. The patient admitted that he had accidentally ingested the methylene blue dye, a day before reporting to the hospital. He had no history of fever, dysuria, surgical intervention, trauma, and abdomen pain. The patient's status was hemodynamically stable with an unremarkable systemic examination and had a urine output of 1.6 liters over 24 hours. The renal functions, liver functions, and complete blood picture were normal, and ultrasound sonography test (USG) abdomen was normal. Apart from the greenish appearance of his urine, his urine examination was also unremarkable. The patient was observed over the next 2 days, and the greenish color of urine had disappeared. Dye like methylene blue is a benign compound and is excreted by kidneys without causing any harm to the human body. Therefore the authors concluded that the color change of urine was because of the dye, and hence no further workup was done, and the patient was reassured about the benign nature of this condition.

Top rated comment
about 2 years ago

Very intresting ... Thank you for sharing ... Have you noticed a change in blood color?

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about 2 years ago


about 2 years ago

I have seen propafoll turn urine greenish color. Sometimes in a person that protein in urine too but that was a very light color. Anyway that's what doctor said was from protein in the urine. Cleared up with antibiotics. Dunno if I trust that inter tho lol

about 2 years ago

I have never see something like this.. it is very interesting🥰

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