Sheeza Basharat
Sheeza Basharatover 2 years ago
What Sugar Really Does to the Body

What Sugar Really Does to the Body

This video discusses what sugar is, how the body processes it, and if it is "bad" for the human body. Video Timeline 00:00 - 00:36 Intro 00:37 - 01:28 What is Sugar? 01:29 - 03:39 Carbohydrates & Simple Sugars 03:40 - 05:42 Complex Carbohydrates & Starches 05:43 - 07:25 How Our Body Breaks Down Sugars 07:26 - 08:41 How the Sugars Are Absorbed Quickly 08:42 - 09:48 Can Sugar Ever Be Good? 09:49 - 10:36 Your Body Doesn't "Care" Where the Glucose Comes From 10:37 - 11:10 Empty Calories 11:11 - 12:32 Worst Thing About Sugar? 12:33 - 14:06 How Are Body Deals With Excess Sugar 14:07 - 15:25 Exercise Changes How the Body Stores & Processes Sugar 15:26 - 16:07 Exercise, Insulin, and Sugar 16:08 - 17:51 Best Time to Eat Sugar?

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