Hunainover 1 year ago
Treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome

Treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome

Treatment Although it is a gradual process, for most people carpal tunnel syndrome will worsen over time without some form of treatment. For this reason, it is important to be evaluated and diagnosed by your doctor early on. In the early stages, it may be possible to slow or stop the progression of the disease. Nonsurgical Treatment If diagnosed and treated early, the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome can often be relieved without surgery. If your diagnosis is uncertain or if your symptoms are mild, your doctor will recommend nonsurgical treatment first. Wrist brace Wearing a splint or brace reduces pressure on the median nerve by keeping your wrist straight. Thinkstock © 2016. Nonsurgical treatments may include: Bracing or splinting. Wearing a brace or splint at night will keep you from bending your wrist while you sleep. Keeping your wrist in a straight or neutral position reduces pressure on the nerve in the carpal tunnel. It may also help to wear a splint during the day when doing activities that aggravate your symptoms. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen and naproxen can help relieve pain and inflammation. Activity changes. Symptoms often occur when your hand and wrist are in the same position for too long — particularly when your wrist is flexed or extended. If your job or recreational activities aggravate your symptoms, changing or modifying these activities can help slow or stop progression of the disease. In some cases, this may involve making changes to your work site or workstation.

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