Sheeza Basharat
Sheeza Basharatalmost 2 years ago
Infarction of the Colon

Infarction of the Colon

Infarction of the colon due to vascular occlusion! Notice the blackish dead colon during the colectomy! Intestinal ischemia occur when blood flow to the bowel or gastrointestinal system (intestines) is cut off because of a blood vessel blockage. The three major abdominal blood vessels that may become blocked include the celiac artery, superior mesenteric artery or inferior mesenteric artery, with the latter being the main vessel supplying the large bowel, hence being the one blocked in this case, leading to hypoperfusion and infarction. Symptoms can vary from severe abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, to bloody stools. The diagnosis can be confirmed by an angiogram of the blocked vessels, x-Ray and abdominal CT scan. An arteriogram is an invasive test of the blood vessels in which dye is injected and x-ray pictures are obtained, showing exactly where the blockage is present when the dye cannot pass through the blocked artery. Emergency surgery may be performed to remove the blood clot (embolectomy) or bypass the blocked vessel and restore blood flow to the intestines. The surgeon may use autologous bypass grafts (patient’s own blood vessels) or artificial grafts. The surgeon may need to remove a portion of the intestine if tissue death has occurred.

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