Hunain7 months ago


Labyrinthitis is an inner ear infection. It causes a delicate structure deep inside your ear called the labyrinth to become inflamed, affecting your hearing and balance. The most common symptoms are dizziness, hearing loss (from mild to total loss of hearing) and vertigo – the sensation that you, or the environment around you, is moving. These symptoms can range from mild to severe, with some people feeling that they are unable to remain upright. Other symptoms include: a feeling of pressure inside your ear(s) ringing or humming in your ear(s) (tinnitus) fluid or pus leaking out of your ear(s) ear pain feeling sick (nausea) or being sick a high temperature (fever) of 38C (100.4F) or above changes in vision, such as blurred vision or double vision mild headaches  Certain things can make the dizziness worse, including: colds or illness  the dark being in crowded areas or small rooms tiredness a women’s period walking See your GP if you have these symptoms. You should also avoid driving, using tools and machinery, or working at heights if you're feeling dizzy.

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