S2 sound of heart is consist of 2 part:A2 &P2.physiologically there is a spliting(a normal gap) between them so you can hear these sounds better in here.
You can understand these findings in this point.Wide splitting: Detected by presence of splitting during expiration, wider during inspirationDDx: Anything that causes delayed conduction down the right bundle (RBBB, pre-excitation of left ventricle, pacing of left ventricle, premature LV beats), pulmonary stenosis, pulmonary arterial hypertensionFixed splitting: Spitting at both expiratory and inspiratory phases but does NOT lengthen with inspirationDx: ASD (due to continuous blood flow from left side to right side leading lenthened cardiac cycle on the right side of the heart), Right heart failure, Pulmonary HypertensionParadoxical splitting: Reverse of normal physiology, splitting of second heart sounds during expiration, singular during inspirationDx: Anything that causes delayed conduction down the left bundle (LBBB, pre-excitation of right ventricle, right ventricular pacing, premature RV beats), aortic stenosis.
could someone tell me what these points are used for or what they effect? (pls don’t wonder im neither a med-student nor a doctor just really interested in medicin)