Sheeza Basharat
Sheeza Basharat10 months ago


Elephantiasis is also known as lymphatic filariasis. It is caused by parasitic worms and can be spread from person to person through mosquitoes. Elephantiasis causes swelling of the scrotum, the limbs( hands and legs), breast and sometimes the vulva. This ailment is more common in the tropical areas of the world including Africa and Southeast Asia. An estimate of 120 million people have this ailment all over the world. SYMPTOMS: The most common symptom of elephantiasis is swelling which occurs mostly in the parts of the body mentioned above. The legs are usually the most affected area. This swelling and enlargement of body parts leads to pain and mobility(movement) issues. The skin is also affected and may be; - Dry - Thick - Ulcerated - Darker than normal In some individuals, symptoms like fever and chills could occur. Elephantiasis as an ailment is immunosuppressive and consequently could create an opportunity for a secondary infection. CAUSES: Elephantiasis is caused by parasitic worms which are spread by mosquitoes. There are actually 3 types of worms involved; -Wuchereria banchrofti -Brugia malayi -Brugia timori The worms affects the lymphatic systems in the body. The lymphatic systems are responsible for toxins and waste removal from the body. Therefore when this systems becomes blocked, there would be accumulation of lymphatic fluid leading to swelling. NB: it is noteworthy that elephantiasis affects both men and women of virtually all ages. It is diagnosed using the biological fluid (blood) to test for the parasite. TREATMENT: By using anti-parasitic drugs like; cenocide(diethylcarbamazine), mectizan (ivermectin), and albendazole. - Keeping the affected area hygienic. - Reconstructive surgery in extreme cases to remove the affected lymphatic tissues.

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