syeda irha hasan
syeda irha hasan11 months ago


Examples of holoenzymes include DNA polymerase and RNA polymerase which contain multiple protein subunits. The complete complexes contain all the subunits necessary for activity

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Some Enzyme marker for cell deathBone marrow produces 60-70 percent of the white blood cells. The lymphatic tissues, particularly the thymus, the spleen, and the lymph nodes, produce 20-30 percent of the white blood cells. Spleen transplantation can be done with just fragments of the spleen - kinda similar to the liver where it will actually regenerate. They haven’t figured out how to make spleen transplantation work yet; but you don’t need it to survive, either. So if you actually remove it entirely, let’s say you remove 10% of the WBC production. Now, what is going to happen is you’re losing a form of immunity defence; but your body isn’t over producing on your WBC count. If you can implement a catalyst for RBC reproduction then it could possibly counter it and eliminate such concerns raised? But if you can have a transplant that has regular WBC reproduction, that 10% might make a difference? Erythropoiesis takes place in the bone marrow so if you had high levels of B12 for RBC maturation that could possibly be a catalyst? So even just a change in diet or take vitamins? Idk I’m tired. I don’t understand the ratios of it but whatever I think it could be possible. I just think that if the body is producing too many WBC then our options are to evolve with it because we can’t eliminate it entirely. Even if the WBC stayed over produced, just counter it with even heavier RBC production. It’s also really late in my time zone so I could be over tired and crazy. HoloenzymeMaxillary soft tissue tuberosity reductionRemoval of lateral palatal soft tissue.Removal of hypermobile unsupported tissueHimero United KingdomWhat Is Himero United Kingdom?
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