Irma Anderson
Irma Andersonover 2 years ago

What are the indications for electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) ?

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over 2 years ago

Electroconvulsive therapy is used as a treatment for individuals that can no longer benefit from medications or psychotherapy. It is also used to treat an individual when their condition has reached a severe level and the patient is at risk of harming themselves and people around them. ECT is used in emergencies since medications take weeks to have an effect. It is the last resort treatment for the following conditions: • Bipolar disorders: patient experiences periods of high energy followed by severe depression • Major depressive disorders: patients experience low moods and don’t enjoy the activities they once used to enjoy. • Schizophrenia: patients experience paranoia, hallucinations, and delusions. • Catatonia: patients have abnormal movements and behaviors, immobility, lack of communication, and withdrawal. • Psychosis: patients experience psychotic symptoms such as; anxiety, delusions, difficulty concentrating. • Suicide: the patient is at great risk of committing suicide • Pregnancy: ECT is preferred in pregnancy as medications can harm the baby.

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