Sheeza Basharat
Sheeza Basharatabout 3 years ago
Spear across the brain case study

Spear across the brain case study

A 16-year-old survied an accident in which a spear gun his friend was holding accidentally discharged, causing a spear more than three-feet long to impale his skull and brain! Amazingly the teen survived, and was even able to speak to doctors throughout the whole ordeal. The spear is seen penetrating the front and back of the 16-year-old's skull. It entered the teen's head about two inches above the right eye. Doctors used a rebar cutter and locking pliers to stabilize the spear in the patient's head and remove 18 inches of the protruding spear from boy’s forehead to allow doctors to perform X-rays on the patient. Doctors needed to make sure none of the major blood vessels were injured so they performed an angiogram to take a picture of his blood flow to look for any problems. Miraculously there wasn't such damage. What's more, the right side of the brain where the injury occurred is considered "non-dominant" and doesn't control crucial areas such as cognition and speech. It also missed the deep seated structures in the brain. The spear was successfully removed in the operating room over a three-hour surgery and the doctors are optimistic about his recovery. By:

Top rated comment
about 3 years ago

Wow! Miracles still happen!

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